I first heard of FRIEND from Mr Emosi Sikuri a neighbor from Tauvegavega in Ba. He invited me to attend training for FRIEND Save Scheme group leaders. I knew nothing about it, but I intended to be there on the training day. I was new to Baloneliness was killing me—so I thought going to this workshop would kill the day. I was among twenty other young people there. First, I thought it was boring. As it went on, I realized that these ideas would help those who are poor. We spent two days in training, and the third day was our practical day. On August 29, 2002, I started a Save Scheme group where I lived. To start a group there have to be ten members or more. After a month I started another group at Badrau settlement. In Nov 2002 I was called to see the FRIEND coordinator, Sashi Kiran. I went with Mr Sikuri to meet her and the late Matron Satya Bali. We talked and they asked me if I could be a field Officer. I was speechless, exited, emotional, and a dream came true, as I love serving people. I said yes. I tried to learn as much as I could from Matron Bali about the role of a Field Officer.


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March 26, 2006