Radini and her group began their FRIEND Governance training in April 2010 and almost a year later the group continues to meet, share their skills and ideas with each other. Radini Milika Curu says she has recently had more financial responsibility with a daughter away studying and a loan that needs to be cleared. Radini says the training inspired her and her group to use their resources and skills. ―After the training we kept meeting together every Monday. We have been teaching each other our skills in sewing, baking cakes and bread, weaving crafts, making jam and making coconut virgin oil. Those who have ideas share and teach the group. After the training we have done a lot of things. We util-ize our skills in the community. The talent is there… it just needs en-couragement!‖


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March 29, 2011

Takitaki Issue 3

February 20, 2011

All about Impact

January 29, 2011

Working with Partners towards Prosperity