Recent News

A NEW program that will adopt a more traditional approach to agriculture practices — without the use chemical — has been launched at Bureiwai in Nakorotubu, Ra. The two-year program funded by the USAID Pacific American Climate Fund would be implemented by the Foundation of Rural Integrated Enterprises and Development (FRIEND) Fiji in eight villages.

August 10, 2016

Agro program for district

A NEW program that will adopt a more traditional approach to agriculture practices — without the use chemical — has been launched at Bureiwai in Nakorotubu, […]
August 4, 2016

Organic farming program

ORGANIC farmers along the coastline of Nakorotubu, Ra, could be exporting high value disaster resilient crops in the near future.
July 30, 2016

Roko Tui Ra commends Trauma workshop

A workshop that uses art as a means to help community leaders in the Ra Province deal with trauma has been commended by the Roko Tui […]
July 29, 2016

Workshop heals cyclone trauma

REFRESHED and ready is how villagers from cyclone affected areas in the Western Division described a two day trauma healing workshop that ended yesterday.