Recent News

The frequency of disasters like cyclones is expected to increase in the small island developing states of the Pacific region. The complex disaster and post disaster environments continue to challenge humanitarian practitioners to find effective and people centric approaches.
In the wake of the devastation of Category 5 Tropical Cyclone Winston, many organizations like FRIEND participated in the humanitarian aid efforts with the hope to provide comfort and to reduce suffering.

July 18, 2016

Voices from Ground Zero; a FRIEND experience post TC Winston in Ra province, Fiji

The frequency of disasters like cyclones is expected to increase in the small island developing states of the Pacific region. The complex disaster and post disaster […]
July 13, 2016

We all are Fiji

LAST Saturday I sat next to the Tui Noco on a large mat in Syria Park, under the hot midday sun. In front of me Govind […]
July 10, 2016

Girmitiyas Accepted As Rewans

All Girmitiyas in Fiji are now Rewans, says the Marama na Roko Tui Dreketi Ro Teimumu Kepa. The Rewa chief when accepting the presentation made by […]
July 10, 2016

A people reunited

A new chapter has unfolded in the history of the people of Noco in Rewa, in Fiji’s history and the descendants of the girmitiya who were […]