LAST Saturday I sat next to the Tui Noco on a large mat in Syria Park, under the hot midday sun. In front of me Govind Singh received a kamunaga (whale’s tooth) offered on behalf of the paramount chief and the vanua of Rewa to the Tui Noco and his adopted people the descendants of indentured labourers.

July 13, 2016

We all are Fiji

LAST Saturday I sat next to the Tui Noco on a large mat in Syria Park, under the hot midday sun. In front of me Govind […]
July 10, 2016

Girmitiyas Accepted As Rewans

All Girmitiyas in Fiji are now Rewans, says the Marama na Roko Tui Dreketi Ro Teimumu Kepa. The Rewa chief when accepting the presentation made by […]
July 10, 2016

A people reunited

A new chapter has unfolded in the history of the people of Noco in Rewa, in Fiji’s history and the descendants of the girmitiya who were […]
July 6, 2016

I am a Gone ni Noco

“You belong to us and we belong to you” has to be the quote of the Century! These were the words of the Turaga na Tui […]