The Bose ni Momo ni Yasana ko Ba formally accepted the descendants of the Girmitiyas as part of the 24 districts of the province of Ba. Secretary of the Bose ni Momo ni Yasana ko Ba Jese Saukuru says that today’s auspicious event coincides with the Vanua o Ba Festival, that saw the 24 districts and their chiefs come together at Koroivolu Park in Nadi.

October 14, 2017

Bose ni Momo ni Yasana ko Ba formally accept the descendants of the Girmitiyas

The Bose ni Momo ni Yasana ko Ba formally accepted the descendants of the Girmitiyas as part of the 24 districts of the province of Ba. […]
September 11, 2017

Diplomat calls it a day

HAVING never set a foot in a Pacific Island country, Andrew Jacobs could only guess what his appointment as the Pacific ambassador for the European Union […]
September 2, 2017

Duo defy the odds

THE speech and hearing impaired are often marginalised individuals, but Sekaia Vatucicila and Minesh Kumar have never allowed their disabilities to limit their ambitions. The duo […]
September 2, 2017

Food Locally Sourced Ingredients For New Tukuni Restaurant

Tukuni’ is yet another innovative idea by FRIEND Fiji. The traditional iTaukei and Indo-Fijian themed restaurant opened yesterday at FRIEND Fiji Teidamu office in Lautoka. After […]