Eighty seven percent (87%) of the women seen in our communities between the age of 18-65 either have not had a pap smear ever or atleast not within the last 2 years. This coin-cides with the dismal national statistics found within the most inaccessible, underserved sectors of Fiji. 1,339 at-risk women were seen by the PRISM team in nineteen communities around the West . Distribution of Pap findings in the 19 PRISM communities surveyed. The PRISM Health Initiative piloted by FRIEND manages Non Communicable Dis-eases in the most underserved communities of Fiji. In the process of initial screening and follow-up care for NCDs, PRISM counsels female patients between the age of 18-65 on the need for pap smears and breast exams. Funding was sought to enable PRISM Health to provide specialized women’s health care in the communities. With the limited funds avail-able the team at PRISM Health were able to counsel 1339 women from 19 communities. Each of the women had one to one counseling on women’s health issues. They were also able to participate in group awareness sessions on breast examination and importance of pap tests.


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December 30, 2010

Women’s Health Issues

November 30, 2010

Defining Quality in Adult Education

October 30, 2010


September 29, 2010

DESI Conference III